Recently I shared how I had had a dream.  The post started out by saying, “When I woke from my dream, I felt the weight of past wrongs on me like a heavy blanket.  Laying there, almost paralyzed, I began praying and asking for forgiveness.  The weight became lighter the more I prayed.”

Y’all, let me tell you…the very next morning, with the previous morning’s awakening feelings on my mind, I simply said, “Lord, please remind me of the fun memories and not the bad”.  It was as if the last sentence in James 4:2 said, “Yep, remember me?”

You don’t get what you want because you don’t ask God.

The smile that was on my face was one that transferred to my heart.  Precious memories of childhood experiences were rushed to the forefront of my mind.  The heaviness I felt the day before had been evaluated to heaven to the extreme, and nonexistent for me.  Those weighty thoughts were lightened by God.  And I truly welcomed this new feeling.

We have freedom now, because Christ made us free. So stand strong in that freedom. Don’t go back into slavery again.  Galatians 5:1 ERV

This scenario can be applicable to you and your life.  Whether you are a Christian or not (yet), take your burdens, heartaches, sins, etc. to the cross.  Leave them there with Jesus.  Ask for a renewal in your heart.  Repent and release.  Ask for the Lord to remind you of the good He has done for you and the good that is to come.  Be prepared for a feeling of freedom to wash over you.

I’ll be praying for you to have a fresh awakening in Christ.

Blessings to you and yours,


Ponder on:

  1. Do I have any sin/wrongs/anything-that-doesn’t-please-God in my life?  Confess it now.  Go ahead and thank God for the freedom He will give you from this.

  2. If there is something you desire in your life, ask God for it?  Sure, ask away, but remember to take comfort in also stating “Lord, here’s what I want, but above all I want Your will to be done.”  His ways are perfect and best for you.  The Bible says, “You don’t get what you want because you don’t ask God.” So, what are you waiting for?

  3. Is there someone you need to share your new lightness in life with?  Show them how God can free them by sharing your story.


Lord, I love You!  Thank You for freeing me from anything that takes a stronghold in my life that isn’t pleasing to You.  Thank You for being my place of refuge.  Help me to stay close to You and continue believing in Your word.  Amen