How can I not use this visual as a devotional?
I just walked past our dog. Marley was lying in her dog bed.  I can tell she had wrestled with it before lying down because of the location of the bed. Evidently, while wrestling with her bed, the phone cord must have gotten tangled in with it, and the cord was tucked underneath Marley.  I had to laugh and say, “Marley, are you plugged in?”
This question can be posed to you and me as well. “Are you plugged in?”
The devotional thought from this scenario sounded familiar to me, so I searched the website and sure enough, I had written about being plugged in before.  A portion of the journal entry isi in italics below:
Have you ever felt disconnected from something or someone: family, friends, work, school, church, God,…? I know that I’ve gone through seasons of “disconnect”. It wasn’t always a bad thing. I believe God truly “unplugged” me from situations to keep me energized in Him. (Thank You, God!) But there have been times when my disconnect had me feeling lonely, sad, and distant. I longed for a connection.
My friend, being disconnected from something isn’t always a bad thing, but being disconnected from your relationship with God IS a bad thing.
It doesn’t matter what type of difficulties you’ve experienced in your life, God wants you plugged in to Him. Let the Lord be your Power Source.
In Matthew 6:33 we are instructed to “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” Staying connected to God (seeking Him FIRST and living right) is energizing! Staying plugged in to Jesus is strength in your weakness.
When you are staying “plugged in” remember: “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14. So shine bright for God.
I pray that you will and encourage you to get and/or stay connected:

  • Through your prayer life
  • Getting involved in a church and small group
  • Listening to Christian music (I like all types of genre, but when I’m tuned in to my Joy or spirit FM radio or the message on satellite radio, boy oh boy do I feel free, at peace, energized, CONNECTED!)
  • Surround yourself with good/godly people to lean on
  • Open up your bible and delve into it. This the BEST source of staying connected with God. It’s Him! His breath. Soak Him in!

So…allow me to pose the question to you again, “Are you plugged in?”  Better yet, ask yourself what or who you are plugged in to?  Does it bring you joy, not temporary happiness?  Is your source bringing glory to God?  If what or who you are plugged in to isn’t bringing glory to God, unplug and find God as your source.
Blessings to you and yours,