Reading and digging into God’s word is a necessity for living. The Bible is often called Life’s Instruction Book.
I began reading the book of Daniel and posting a chapter a day on the Soaking up The Son YouTube channel last month. Recently, the book of Acts has been my focus.
I don’t post it daily on this website, but I’d like to encourage you to subscribe to the YouTube account so that you will be notified of the daily readings and insight. Remember, I am NO bible scholar.  I’m just a girl who loves Jesus and desires to know more about Him daily, and to live my life following Him.
When you pray for God to reveal insight to you, and to speak to you and through you while reading His word, be ready. Be ready to gain wisdom and knowledge. Be ready to want to go back to other books of the Bible to understand it all in context. Be ready to be confused too (let this motivate you to dig deeper). Be ready to learn from history, not cancel it out. Be ready to want to share His goodness. Be ready to want more.
Are you ready?
Below is the reading of chapter 9, when Saul had his conversion. It is sooo good!
Learning from Saul/Paul…don’t let your past define you.  Let The Divine define you

Have a beautiful day!
Blessings to you and yours,