I am reminded how cynical I can be to those who are down and out.  You know…the ones you see holding signs on the side of the road, and you may wonder, “Are they really in need, or is this a scam?”.  When reading Acts 3:1-11 God whispered His own sweet reminders to me as to how we are to respond to beggars and how we should be grateful and praise Jesus with boldness in situations in life.
Let’s read these verses, then I’ll share random thoughts, and hopefully you’ll see the application of scripture to our everyday life.  Here we go:

Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o’clock prayer service. As they approached the Temple, a man lame from birth was being carried in. Each day he was put beside the Temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the Temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money. Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, “Look at us!” But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk! Then, walking, leaping, and praising God, he went into the Temple with them. All the people saw him walking and heard him praising God. When they realized he was the lame beggar they had seen so often at the Beautiful Gate, they were absolutely astounded! They all rushed out in amazement to Solomon’s Colonnade, where the man was holding tightly to Peter and John.  Acts 3:1-4,6-11 NLT

First of all, before we discuss the beggar, prayer is a part of life, and intentional prayer is important.  Be intentional with your prayer life.  Yes, chat with God all the time, He’s available, but when you have the opportunity to pray with others for a specific need and time, do it.  There is power in prayer.
Now…The lame beggar was placed in the same area each day.  The Beautiful Gate, where he was placed, was important because it was a high traffic location.  My mind can wonder with questions like:
“Who put the beggar there each day?”
“We’re they taking advantage of him because of his lame situation, or were they truly generous ones helping him get from one place to the other?”
“Were they friends or family?”  
He had been this way since birth, so “Did he still have a family or was he considered an outcast?”
“How long was he there begging each day?”
And on and on.
Then I think about how he felt.  Was he humiliated because he had to beg or was it just an everyday thing for him because he knew no different?  Was he fed?
The thing is, we don’t know the situation of many who are out in the world begging or holding signs on the street corners.  We don’t know their intentions.  All we can do is what is pressed upon our hearts.  God knows all intentions on our heart and mind.  
I’ve been saddened at times to see someone who I gave money to, only to go purchase alcohol.  My intentions were good, theirs was either to feed an addiction or just laziness to get money or… Again, God knows.
Peter and John engage with intentional conversation with the beggar.  When I read those verses, it was as if all three gazed into each other’s eyes and just knew.  Peter’s and John “just knew” that the beggar’s need was greater than just money.  The beggar “just knew” that Peter and John had the ability to heal him in the way that can only come from Jesus Christ.  In verse 16 we read, 

“Through faith in the name of Jesus, this man was healed—and you know how crippled he was before. Faith in Jesus’ name has healed him before your very eyes.  Acts 3:16 

That verse confirms for me that the beggar “just knew”, because he had faith.  He had to have faith that he would be healed.
Speaking of intentional conversation, I’ve had a few opportunities to speak with those who are going through a difficult season in their life like the beggar.  When I boldly asked how they got in the situation they are in, you can tell (you “just know”) those who are sincere about their past.  After their story and a time of prayer, I’d walk away with a better understanding and compassion for others.  Y’all, you may be thinking “that’s pretty bold of you.”  Well, remember that that boldness comes from the Holy Spirit.  Praise be to Him!
We may not be able to give healing power to a lame beggar like Peter and John did, but we can give other possible needs:  food, water, blankets, basic daily needs for hygiene, etc….  Maybe carry some extra snacks or water in your vehicle to hand out.  
The thing is about this story between Peter, John, and the beggar is…his unfortunate situation became a complete fortunate witness and testimony for others, and not just a healing for the beggar.  The lives the healing brought to Christ not only was life changing for the beggar (can I just call him Bill? Sounds more personal.), but to those around him.
Whether we are Bill who received healing, the one who is able to provide, the witnesses, or whomever in this scenario, we need to do things with a pure and sincere heart, be grateful, rejoice in God’s provisions, and outwardly praise God for the blessings He provides.
Bill was praising God without hesitation.  He was outwardly and boldly praising God, because he knew where his help came from.  We also read that he was “holding tightly to Peter and John.”  Can’t you just feel the utmost love and gratitude he had for them? Glory!
We are to boldly and outwardly praise the Lord for the blessings he’s given to us in life.  Let others see your joy for God.
What happened to the Bill?  Did he go get a job and provide for himself or to those who brought him daily?  Did he leave all behind and become one who shared Jesus with others?  How many accepted Christ that day because of what they witnessed?
We could have our minds wonder in various directions.  All we need to know now though is:

  • There was a need.
  • God provided.
  • Praises to God and gratefulness was felt and given.

God just may have you be the need in someone’s life so that they can know Jesus.  
God will provide.
Please view the video for all of chapters 3 and 4: https://youtu.be/JMFONt2YmXE
Blessings to you and yours,