The question of “Do you want the good news or bad news first?” kept lingering through my mind.
On Easter Sunday my Sunday School teacher, Dub McGinnes, taught about the Saturday before Easter.  When I heard our topic, I leaned over to Tim and whispered with a smile, “I just posted about Easter Saturday”.  So I was intrigued to hear Dub’s lesson even more.  During the lesson, a bible verse and a statement got my mind going.  He referenced that Jesus had told his disciples a few times that he was going to die. And, the Bible verse was John 16:33, “In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!”
Jesus did predict his death and vocalized it to the disciples three times.  You can read this in Matthew 16:21, Matthew 17:22-23, and Matthew 20:17-19.  (Please see for more information.)
I sat there and thought about how the disciples were often just like the Israelites.  These groups were truly in the face of God and were often still clueless.  God/Jesus laid out a plan for good (the BEST), yet they still whined and complained, and even were oblivious to the truth that was presented to them.  Wait…Are we so different?  We have the whole plan in front of us through His word.  We know the ending to the story.  Yet we can be oblivious to the truth, and feel hopeless in various situations.
In each of these verses, Jesus gave them the bad news first.  What if…He would have said, “Listen, it is all going to be fine, I’ll be right back…really, but I have to die first.”   I wonder if the disciples only heard the bad news first and dwelled on it so much that they truly didn’t appreciate or could comprehend the good. Maybe if they heard the good news first, the blow would have been softened and not lingered in their mind so much.
Think about the Bible verse mentioned as well.  We often say John 16:33 as typed above.  It appears that the bad news was first.  Yes, we will have troubles.  Your mind stops there and focuses on the bad that is to come.  The good news is last, telling us to be brave, and that Christ has defeated the world.  Y’all, that’s fabulously awesome!  What if…we heard it this way, “I have something to tell you.  I need you to hang on because I have already won this fight, and you need to be brave because I am with you and will never leave you. Truth! But, you are going to go through some difficult times in life. Again, remember that this too shall pass and you win with Me.”  Would this help soften the blow?
I polled 47 people on the question, “Do you want to hear the good news or bad news first?”  The responses were:  bad = 83%, good = 13%, either, yet with a reason = 4%.  I am part of the 13%.  When I’m ever asked that question, in my mind I feel that most people want the bad news first, but I want the good news.  I think that if I’m presented with the good news first then the bad won’t be so bad and I’ll have something to hold on to.  Maybe I feel that if I have the bad news first, then the good won’t be as good as I had hoped it would be because I’m focused on the not-so-good.
Here are some of the reasons why people chose what they did:
Bad news first reasoning:

  • Something to look forward to
  • Don’t want to take away from the good
  • Need something to cheer me up
  • Get the bad over with first
  • Soften the bad with the good
  • End up on the up side
  • Let’s get it over with
  • If I can wrap my head around the bad I’m golden
  • The good is still to come
  • I like to end with something happy
  • I can process the bad new later and in a better mood/perspective Because of the good
  • Good news is refreshing
  • Even if it’s bad news, we can always try to find something good in it.
  • Unfortunately I tend to think the worst when I hear the words “I have bad news” and turns out it’s never as bad as what was running through my head…so kind of works in my favor!

Good news first reasoning:

  • Then you can hopefully remember and focus on that and not get fixated on the bad (THIS is partially my point today with the disciples.)
  • Usually the bad news is just a but to the good news

Either reasoning:

  • Brian, “the most important first.  I’ll determine what’s good or bad and make the best of it.”
  • Cherity, “BOTH! Then the speaker is confused and tells whichever one they wanted to say first!

Y’all, I like pretty feet.  And, boy oh boy, do I have some Good News to share with you!

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! Isaiah 52:7 NLT

The Good News is JESUS!  Jesus came to die for you and me.  He rose from the grave.  He is sitting at the right hands of His Daddy in Heaven, and He WILL be back to get those who believe in Him.  I believe in Him.  Do you?  The good news is also that for those who do believe and have faith in Jesus Christ will live eternally in Paradise.  We will walk the streets of gold and be able to hear all the incredible stories of our God and His Son.
We often forget about the first part of John 16:33 as printed in God’s word, “I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me…”. There’s a reason.  A good reason. In the verses that lead up to verse 33, Jesus was chatting with the disciples and telling them about what was to come (His death) and Who He truly is.  He had told them all these things so that they can have peace in Him.  
No matter what the news is, good or bad, we need to hold on to the peace that we find in Jesus Christ.
However you prefer to hear the news, good or bad first, please hang on to the hope, love, joy, and peace you can find in our Lord and Savior.
Blessings to you and yours,

Jesus is so bright He had Hunter, Cole, and I squinting.


You’re never too old for Easter baskets.

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! Anne Frank
Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life – all areas of life. The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity.  Zig Ziglar
The good news is that Jesus is coming back. The bad news is that he’s really pissed off.  Bob Hope (This just cracked me up.)