Philippians is a book demonstrating that true joy comes from Jesus Christ alone.  No matter the circumstance, when you are grounded in Christ, joy does come.
I hope you will join me as I read aloud each of the four chapters, which is available on YouTube, and then I’ll write some thoughts down and post them here on the website.  Remember, I’m no bible scholar, just a simple girl who loves Jesus and desires to know him more each day.  The thoughts that come to mind while reading are what I write. Our opinions and insights may be different, and that’s wonderful! God may reveal different things to each of us at various seasons in our lives because of where we are in that season. I challenge you to just be open to listening to His voice as you dive into the Bible.

Philippians One:
V1.Although this letter was written to the church in Philippi, evidently God intended His words to be included in the Bible for us to learn from.  
V2.Paul was writing these chapters on joy while sitting in a Roman prison.  Where did his joy, grace, and peace come from? The Lord!
V3-5. When Paul thought of the folks in Philippi, he felt joy.  Do you have people in your life that when you hear their name or think of them, you automatically get a smile on your face? When you think of someone, pray for them.  Maybe even write a little note or send a quick text of encouragement, like Paul did to these good folks.
V6. Listen, when you are a child of God you need to remember that He is working in and through you. Don’t give up on doing the right thing, sharing Jesus Christ with others in whatever way you do, because He will continue to use you until He returns.
V7. I admire Paul for his tenacity and boldness in sharing the Good News. No matter his situation, he’s finding a way to show God’s goodness and glory.  One may ask how to be more sure in confirming and defending The Word…get in the word! Read your bible.
V9. Oh how precious and true this is.
V10. What really matters in life? Jesus Christ!
V11. See Galatians 5:22-23 for the fruit that the Holy Spirit gives you. 
V12. Again, no matter what situation Paul was in, he shared the Good News.  I pray to have that perspective in whatever circumstance I’m in.
V13-14. If you are going to find yourself in trouble, I sure hope it is because you were doing the right thing and someone was offended by it.  Stand strong in your faith and do what is right in God’s sight. Who knows how your righteousness can strengthen and encourage others to gain confidence and boldness in Christ.
V15-18. Getting the word out, however and for whomever, sadly, yet as long as God gets all the glory.
V20-24. Paul knew and was confident that when he died he was going to be with Christ. As wonderful as that sounds, he was content with living here on earth spreading the Good News.  Until Jesus calls us home or comes back, we are to live for Him, bring honor to Christ, and be unashamed of the gospel. That’s living with a  purpose.
V25. Take JOY in your faith.
V27. We are to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Don’t live for self and selfish gain, live for Christ. In a world where there is so much division, we Christians need to stay strong in our faith and work together for the purpose of living for God and sharing the Good News.  God, and we all, know that the world needs Jesus.
V29. We need to consider it a privilege to be able to trust in Christ and also to have opposition because of it.
V30. I had to laugh a little when I read that “we are in this together”. It reminds me of what we’ve heard so much over the 2020-2021 year.  We may be all in this together, but the division is horrifically saddening. If we strive to focus on doing good, being Christ-like, sharing His love, and loving others as He instructs us to do…wow what a different place we would live in. Keep your focus on God.
Have a beautiful day.
Blessings to you and yours,