How do you destress?

Even though I have troubles and hard times, your commands give me joy. Psalm 119:143

Troubles and trials are going to happen in life. It is stated in the bible. It is a fact. It is all so true. Period. When difficulty or stressful times come, we either internalize or we externalize our emotions.  One way I handle frustrating situations is by baking and cleaning/organizing.

If you were to come to my house one-day last week, you would have found:

  • The aroma of pumpkin bread filling the home,
  • Chocolate chip cookies ready to eat,
  • Clean filters in my washing machine, dishwasher, garbage disposal, and vacuum cleaner, and
  • Drawers gone through and organized, and items tossed.

First of all, on a side note…did you even know that you needed to clean the filter in your dishwasher and washing machine? Y’all, do it! It needs it, and your dishes and clothes will appreciate it as well. Never have I ever cleaned the filter in our dishwasher. What? Y’all! You’d have thought the inside was sparkling new. (Click here.)

Okay, so you may want to hire me to be your personal organizer or call me for your next bake sale, but the main way I handle stress, the first thing I do, the one that truly calms me and brings me peace in the midst of turmoil is getting in God’s word and praying. Yea, yea, you may say “that’s the Sunday School answer to the question”, but it is so true. 

Laying it all at Jesus’ feet can be difficult. We want to keep some issues for ourselves to control, or we may not be getting a quick enough response from God in handling our situation. But, friend, it is the best and right thing to do. Just breathe, read some scripture, talk to Jesus, and dance. What, dance? Oh yea! Another great destresser is to turn on some music and dance like no one is watching. Now, you’re not auditioning for the next dance show, so just jump, sway, and spin around like a free-spirited child. Feel the pressures of life fall to the wayside for just a bit.

One way my family knows I’m under stress is by humming. My go-to song is “Oh, how I love Jesus”. The thing is, I hum when I’m stressed or dissatisfied, but also when I’m happy and just lovin’ life. 

All the above mentioned actually do bring me joy in any situation. So, when you hear me humming, see me dancing, come over and smell scrumptious bread or cookies in the oven, or find me in the bible and talking to Jesus, you never know what mood I’m in. LOL!

I want to encourage you to for sure get in God’s word. Whether you are trying to destress or simply live life, get in the bible and discover immeasurable joy.

Blessings to you and yours,
