A Lesson on Being a Parent

  “I will praise you, Lord.  Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me.  Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.  The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense; He has become my...

Imitating your Parent

When you were young you watched your parents and tried to mimic their expressions, styles, walk, talk, etc.  Now, you may have children or grandchildren of your own, and you notice them putting their elbow on the table and resting their chin on their hand like you do....
Quiet time…or quality

Quiet time…or quality

If you are a parent, you probably do not have to envision the following scenario, because you have already lived it. The scene may be taking place at this moment. But work with me here. Imagine that you are a parent of multiple age children. You have retreated to a...
Father’s Day…it just takes one.

Father’s Day…it just takes one.

Father’s Day…it just takes one. One hundred thirteen years ago the state of Washington set aside a day to celebrate fathers because of one person’s desire to honor her father. (Read the history here: A Brief History of Father’s Day – dummies) Fast forward...
Romans 4:1-8…Faith not works

Romans 4:1-8…Faith not works

Parents. Mother’s Day. Father’s Day. We celebrate parents. The Ultimate Parent (God) doesn’t need just one day to celebrate, He deserves every hour of every day. As we read about our earthly spiritual father, Abraham, let’s learn some lessons from him. Stay the course...