
This past week I was watching the show American Idol.  When some of those contestants would sing, I would think, “Poor thing.  Who told them that they could sing?”  But evidently they had a dream, and no one had tried to crush their dream of singing.  Well, maybe someone did, and they just didn’t listen.  Good for them for having the nerve and confidence to go the distance.
Last night I was talking to my daughter about her dreams for her future.  Some may say that she has a “pie in the sky” dream, but I believe she truly could see her dreams come true with a God-confidence and faithful determination.  If her dreams are aligned with God’s plan…Go for it!
In Genesis 37 and 38 we read the story of Joseph.  Joseph was already the youngest and favored child that his older brothers resented.  But when he told his family of a dream that he had, they resented him to the point of wanting to kill him.  Really?  That was a bit drastic, but it almost came to a reality.  The brothers didn’t kill him, but they lied to their father and told him that Joseph was killed by possibly a wild animal, when really they sold him as a slave.  Ugh!
The thing is, Joseph’s dream was from God, and God had a plan for Joseph’s future.  The trials he had to endure were long and treacherous, but in the end, the dream that Joseph had shared with his family years ago, truly did come true. 
Do you have a dream?  Make sure that God is included in this dream.  Pray it up!  If your dream is to become a reality, God will make it happen.  If your dream is not God’s will for you, and you are truly giving it all to God, that door will be closed, and He will reveal something much better for you if you will just stick with Him.
Prayer:  “Lord, you know the desire of my heart.  You know the dream that I have.  I give it all to you.  If it is Your will for my dream to come true, thank You.  If it is not in Your will, take the desire away from me and give me a peace.  Amen.”
Blessings to you.
January 21