Lazy? Don't be!

Okay, yesterday I was saying that I am NOT the Proverbs 31 woman, but today I was giving her a run for her money. Yea, yea, I’m tootin’ my own horn.  But the scripture goes so well with the scene today. This morning I woke up late, after staying up late watching...

Something to celebrate

  The other day, Monday August the 23rd to be exact, was National Hot Dog Day.  Yep, we had a “Hot Diggy Dog” Celebration at the Shuff home.  Dogs, nana’s homemade slaw, baked beans, chili, and all the fixin’s (I’m from the south, so you’ll have to get used to...

Weeds in My Life

Weeds in My Life (I wrote this March 14, 2007) Oh the weeds that are in my yard have become atrocious!  Did it happen overnight?  No way.  They have been establishing themselves for quite some time.  I had been waiting for someone else to take care of them.  But…...