Need a vacation after the vacation?

Need a vacation after the vacation?

This morning I went to retrieve our dog, Marley, from being boarded for the past five nights. She was so excited to go home.  She hopped in the car, scanned her surroundings, then plopped down out of either sure exhaustion or “thank the good Lord that momma came so I...
Peer Pressure Advice, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COLE!

Peer Pressure Advice, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COLE!

Today is a day of celebration. It may be Friday.  It may be pay day. It can be whatever day you want to celebrate, but today I choose to celebrate my youngest child’s birthday! When I reread past journal entries from Cole’s previous birthdays, I can’t help but smile...

And She's Off to College…

  “Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?” says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:24 Yep, that was the bible verse that I woke up to on the day we were moving our daughter to college. Appropriate to share with her? You...