Lessons we can all learn from The Forgotten Coast

Lessons we can all learn from The Forgotten Coast

Life Lesson right here, y’all.  Listen up: I recently visited the “Forgotten Coast”.  The drive along Florida’s west coast, from St. Marks to Mexico Beach, is called Forgotten Coast Highway. On a postcard I purchased it reads, “Quaint towns and tiny fishing villages...
Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Good morning! My soul, praise the Lord! Every part of me, praise his holy name! My soul, praise the Lord and never forget how kind he is! Psalm 103:1-2 I pray that every part of you does praise the Lord!  He is so good. Soak Him up every second of every day. Blessings...
Glorious Sky!

Glorious Sky!

The heavens tell about the glory of God.  The skies announce what His hands have made.  Psalm 19:1 Glory!  That’s what I said when I saw the sky this morning. Well. Besides… “Wow” and “God makes cotton candy in the sky” and “Pink cotton candy and cotton balls, my...

Take the High Ground…Rise Above

In life, we will have obstacles. Some obstacles are easy and we could hurdle right over them, while other hindrances we encounter may make us feel defeated before we even attempt to persevere through them. While Tim and I were walking the Lower Green Swamp trails,...

Problems to Peace

  God’s gone and done it again! THANK YOU, JESUS, for putting me in my place! Yesterday was one of those days like the children’s book I used to read to my second graders: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days, only it was “Stephanie’s...