Give Me Five

Give Me Five

Life goes by so fast.  We often busy ourselves with our “list” of things to do in life, that we miss the opportunity to simply Be Still, breathe slowly, and clear our mind. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be...
Praying for My Town

Praying for My Town

It’s that time of year again… The Florida Strawberry Festival ! My town gets bombarded with visitors from all over the world.  Yes, the world! To me, this isn’t just a festival to honor our community’s honored fruit.  It is so much more. It’s about tradition.  I’ve...

This…made me smile

Appreciate the simplicity of life. You know the phrase “Stop and smell the roses”. Well, the past couple of days, this has been the mentality that the Lord has pressed upon me. A vine of chickweed (I’ll just say a precious wild daisy) captured my attention, as it was...

Change Your Perspective

  This morning I knew exactly what I wanted to write about today. Then, God confirmed it as the preacher (Pastor Brian Stowe) practically took the words right out of my mouth. I guess it was God’s way of confirming the thought. When we were recently vacationing in...

Take It Easy

Slow ride…take it easy. No, I’m not talking about the song. I’m thinking about life. This is a lesson that I have learned and continue to learn. I look around the sphere I’m in, and observe the people hustling and bustling through life, “they” make me want to just...