Motivational Monday: A 180 Transformation

Motivational Monday: A 180 Transformation

When Tim shared his latest doctor’s visit with me, it reminded me of how we need to be completely transformed, not still dabble in the world and our old ways, but be sold out for God!  Let others see Christ in and through you. In the Bible verse that I share with you,...
Oh, Bee Careful Little Mouth What You Say

Oh, Bee Careful Little Mouth What You Say

Food for thought: Recently I was privy to viewing someone’s text messages.  In one of the responses the “f” word was used. I’m not talking about “faith” or “fun” or “fiddlesticks”.  When I saw it, I thought…Why do people have to use such foul language as if it’s...
Convicted to Live Life to its Fullest

Convicted to Live Life to its Fullest

You pray to God and call him Father, but he will judge everyone the same way—by what they do. So while you are visiting here on earth, you should live with respect for God. You know that in the past the way you were living was useless. It was a way of life you learned...
Motivational Monday:  Think About It!

Motivational Monday: Think About It!

Think about it! Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 Do not be conformed to...
Peer Pressure Advice, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COLE!

Peer Pressure Advice, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COLE!

Today is a day of celebration. It may be Friday.  It may be pay day. It can be whatever day you want to celebrate, but today I choose to celebrate my youngest child’s birthday! When I reread past journal entries from Cole’s previous birthdays, I can’t help but smile...