The Sweet Sound of Pages being Turned…

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4 One of my favorite sounds is to hear the pages of the bible being turned as...

Life is about Balance

Life is about balance. So today I had a protein shake for breakfast and two chocolate chip cookies for lunch. Isn’t that balanced? Okay, probably not the smartest of eating choices I’ve made, but it sure was yummy. As I read through Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 balance is key....

This is not the end of the journey!

Well, we did it! A few months back God had pressed it upon my heart to lead a bible study with young ladies who will be graduating from high school and ready for the next adventure in their lives. So the journey began… I had inquired from others which bible study to...

OVERcome that OVERwhelimg feeling.

Get OVER it! Do you ever, or often, get the feeling that you are OVERwhelmed? I know I have plenty of times before. But, now let’s change the feeling of being OVERwhelmed to the accomplishment of having OVERcomed. This morning I woke up to God’s beautiful reminder: “I...
Bloom Where You Are Planted

Bloom Where You Are Planted

  Well, the Shuff family is on a new adventure. No, not the normal adventures we partake in where it requires boats, planes, and automobiles to a different place for a short vacation. Nah, this adventure will require four-wheelers, a tractor, and a short car ride...