Love and Prayers for Liam and Landen

Love and Prayers for Liam and Landen

The LOVE month continues… Three things I LOVE are prayers, babies, and the Lord. So, I’d like to have you join me in prayer for two precious babies…Liam and Landen. Liam was born (in December) with a “half-a-heart”.  The specific medical terminology is Hypoplastic...
Believe it…God is in control!

Believe it…God is in control!

Do you have those days when you feel like the devil is having a field day in your mind? Questions run rampant in your mind like:  Am I a good parent/friend/sibling/child/______?  How can I be a better _________? Am I talented enough to do ____? Boy, oh boy, I sure...
Limiting God?

Limiting God?

Putting conditions on God are NOT a good thing.  When we do so, we are limiting Him, having confidence in that our way is better, and believing that He doesn’t know-all and see-all. Having ultimatums presented to Him, is nothing new to God.  In Luke 4:1-13 we read...

Praying for Texas

“Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready. Never give up. Always pray for all of God’s people.”  Ephesians 6:18 “First of all, I ask that you pray for all...

A Graduation Letter from God

This is  the season of graduation.  Tim and I have two down, and one to go.  When our eldest graduated, God gave me the scripture and words to put together “A letter to the graduate from God” I hope you will enjoy these words which are so very true for not...