A Mother's Desire for Her Children

I don’t know about what happens in your home, but in my house “what momma wants momma usually gets”, especially around Mother’s Day. The majority of the time, what I want is most likely within reason, beneficial, and bathed in prayer. Okay, there are those extravagant...

You are Different

Johnny did me wrong. Sally hurt my feelings. Tom is spreading rumors about me. Cathy stole my boyfriend. So-and-so is bullying me. Some people are just hard to love. We are to love them anyhow. “What?” Yes sir and yes ma’am. As hard as it is, we (Christians) are to...

God will do what He says He will do.

Journal writing about Jeremiah 29:11 is nothing new for me. I searched and discovered I’ve written about those God-breathed words about seventeen times (Click here). I appreciate how God reveals something different to me when I read the same verse I’ve read over and...

Who's The Boss?

“My son, listen to your father when he corrects you, and don’t ignore what your mother teaches you. 9 What you learn from your parents will bring you honor and respect, like a crown or a gold medal.” Proverbs 1:8-9 Can I get an “Amen, Praise the Lord. Absolutely”? Not...

Learn from Other's Mistakes

Before you even start reading, please know that I’m by no means casting any stones. I’m a work in progress. I just reveal what God reveals to me. “Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. You can make many plans, but the...