I will never forget the time when one of my sons was about eight years old and he was not feeling well. He was not a big fan of regurgitating. (Who is? Haha.) While he was releasing everything he had inside, he screamed out (Actually, he ferociously groaned out like a wild beast), “Mercy!” At the time, it was so hilarious.  I had to leave his side to go have a laugh with the rest of the family that had heard it from another room. Okay, that was not a kind thing to do, but really?…”Mercy!” Maybe it was one of those times I should say, “You just had to be there.” (But you’re glad you were not.)
You may be asking with a crinkled forehead, “Why did you share that with me?” Whenever I hear or read the word ‘mercy’ I am reminded of that incident.  In this morning’s scripture reading I read Psalm 28:6-9,“Praise the LORD! For he has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” You know what? My child had the right idea.  He was in a situation that was making him uncomfortable and he cried out, “Mercy!”
I have been in circumstances where I was either in the wrong or was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and have had to cry out “Mercy” myself to God.  Praise Him for giving me the strength get out of those situations. When I trusted Him with all my heart, He listened. He still does and always will.
The point we need to remember to do when He does protect and help us is the latter portion of the verses, “I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” Be grateful! Be filled with joy!  Thank God when He rescues you, no matter how big or small the circumstance may be. Don’t take Him for granted. Praise Him and be a living testimony to others for Him.
March 1