Numbers 33 looks like a “check-in” status for Moses on Facebook. He was commanded by God to record the stages of the Israelites’ travels from when they left Egypt. I bet if those following him through those times were his “friends on Facebook”, there may have been a few check-in statuses that if there was a “dislike” button, they would have pushed it more than once. We probably have a few of our own times of dislike, but don’t forget that God will see you through and make you stronger due to those experiences.
Then, when I turned to Luke 3:21-38, there was another list. This time it was the recorded list of the genealogy of Christ. Guess what? We are all related! If we go back as far as Luke 3 did, we find out that we all began with our great-great-great-great…….grandfather being Adam, the first earthly son of God. Hey, brothers and sisters, we will have a great family reunion in heaven one day. Did you send in your RSVP? God is waiting on you to respond with a “Yes!”
This morning God woke me up earlier than I had wanted to get up. This was the third day in a row! I lie there debating with God. “Are you serious? You want me to get up now? But I don’t want to. I do not want to clean my closet now (Yes, He was encouraging me to do that. LOL) I want to sleep!” Well, guess who won? Yep, He did. Even though He convicted me to put away my clothes in my closet that have been chilling out in there all week, He first sent me to His Word. (I LOVE THAT MAN!, even when I lose the debate.)
Well, one of the crazy thoughts that went through my sleepy mind, as I was lying there trying not to get up, was…”Why do people on Facebook put LMS (Like My Status), when they have said nothing on their status?” I guess I’ll have to ask a teenager that one (when they wake up. Haha.)  So hey, relative, if you are attending that great family reunion, LMS (like my status). See you there.

March 30