“God doesn’t miss a thing—
he’s alert to good and evil alike.”
When I read Proverbs 15:3 today, my mind started singing the 1998 song by the rock band Aerosmith, “I Don’t Want To Miss a Thing”. (I posted the music video if you are one of very few who have never heard this song, or if you want to grab you sweetheart to slow dance, or why not go a little crazy and sing it for your kids who are growing up so fast. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo_0UXRY_rY )
I can recall several times when I missed something, whether it was good or bad.  I remember saying, when I went back to work after Hunter was born, “I don’t wanna miss his first step.” or whatever the monumental phase was that I could possibly miss out on.
Just last year while Cole was playing basketball, I had glanced down at a text I had received on my phone and missed Cole scoring a basket. Ugh! I didn’t want to miss that.  I played it off to him as though I saw the whole thing. “Way to go, Cole!” I shouted as applauding with the other fans that evidently did see it. My heart ached.
Now, there were times when I was totally fine with missing out on. Like the time when Holly was about four years old and was intrigued by a pair of hair cutting scissors at a grandparent’s home.  Yep, she decided to play beautician.  She cut of a nice 3“x4” section of her fine, slow-growing blonde hair.
These moments of misses will happen.  We will miss something. But, God won’t.  He doesn’t even have to hit a rewind button to replay a part he missed. God’s back in never turned on our endeavors. He sees all. We can’t go hide from Him when we have done wrong.  He has already seen what happened, so just fess up and move on.  When we do right, He is standing and applauding saying, “Way to go!”
God’s rewrite to Aerosmith’s song is “I Don’t Miss a Thing”.  Remember that He is watching you wherever you go whatever you do. So be careful with your words, thoughts, and actions.  Make God proud. Make Him stand and have a smile on His face.

I love my kids! I don't want to miss a thing, but I will. God won't though. :0)

June 2