Psalm 68:20, “Our God is a God who saves!
John 9:25, He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”
2 Samuel 6:14a, David was dancing in front of the LORD
Now, let’s put these pieces together like a fabulous puzzle.
First of all, God does save. He will rescue anyone who will come to Him and believe in Him. I know that I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was twelve years of age. I grew up in church and didn’t know anything different but God’s love. But it was when I was away at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes camp in North Carolina that I truly felt the presence of God tapping me on the my heart to ask Him in to my life for good. He has reached down many of times to save my wayward ways. I am so sorry that I sinned the way I did. The ridiculousness He witnessed me doing, yet He still loved me. I am so not worthy of His forgiveness and love, yet He did and still does. God’s love is unfailing. (Thank You, God, for being a God who saves!
Next, we read in John 9:25 when the once blind mind was being interrogated by the Pharisees. This man’s life was completely changed by God.  Some of those who have known him his whole life didn’t even recognize who he was. (John 9:8-9, His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” 9 Some claimed that he was.  Others said, “No, he only looks like him.”  But he himself insisted, “I am the man.”) That is what happens when God gets ahold of you and you hold on to Him. Your life is changed! Maybe, hopefully, even beyond prior recognition.
When people hear the words, “share your testimony” they sometimes get all nervous inside.  They think they have to have the right words, know the right scripture, and speak so eloquently in order to give a testimony.  But let’s us learn from the once blind man.  He told it as he saw it (No pun intended, well, maybe a little.)  He stated just the facts about himself. He said, “I know nothing about that one way or the other. But I know one thing for sure: I was blind . . . I now see.”(The Message) That is it! Don’t be afraid to share your testimony or be ashamed of God.  Just tell what you know and how He changed your life. Keep it simple.  I know that I don’t want to be without Him and I know that I have the assurance of knowing that I will be in Heaven one day with Him. Glory!
Finally, let’s put the last puzzle piece in for today.  We learned in Psalm that God saves. In John we learned from the once blind man to keep it simple and tell what you know about how God did save you.  Now, in 2 Samuel, we learn from David to rejoice. Dance before the Lord. Don’t be ashamed. Celebrate your new life, a life with Christ.
Oh, how I pray that you have asked Christ into your heart. Go for it! Be changed for the better. Feel a peace and joy like never before. I love to dance. I’ll celebrate right along with you.
(If you want to know how to be a Christian, please click on the tab above with the same title as your inquiry.  Woohoo! I am already dancing in my heart for you.)

Dancing with joy! Glory!

June 1