How will people feel or remember you when you die? This is a question I honestly ask myself often. I know….that’s a pretty morbid thought to have running through your mind. But, it’s true.
Over the past few months I have lost an aunt, an uncle, my sister-in-law’s mom, and old friend, a co-worker, and a dear friend my age. My loss, Heaven’s gain. Death is something that in inevitable. It’s a guarantee.
In 2 Chronicles 21:20, Jehoram passed away and “no one felt bad when he died.” In one translation it read, “There were no tears he when he died – it was good riddance.” Seriously? Good riddance? Ugh! I would be mortified at the thought of people celebrating due to my passing, and it wasn’t because I was a good person and was one my way to heaven. Yes, I will be celebrating on that day because I’ll be dancing with Jesus, but I sure hope people would not only celebrate my life well lived, but mourn for a little bit. Just a little. Maybe shed a few tears. Then, move on with your life, and make sure I’ll see you again in heaven.
So how will people remember you? Will they be like, “Good riddance!” or will they be talking about the “good” things you’ve done in your life to make a difference.
Live a memorable life.
Blessings to you.