Here are my letters to my dear childhood friends.

I love how God always puts things in the forefront of my mind then reveals a verse in the bible that goes along with the thought without me seeking.  He’s so cool!
Just yesterday I was thinking about my childhood friends, Paula Sue and Jeana.  We were inseparable.  We went to each other’s homes often and went to the same church for the longest time.  I have so many wonderful memories with those two girls, sisters, from birth. 
I can remember staying nights at Paula’s house and talking in my sleep.  She woke me up one time and laughed saying I said loudly, “Don’t pore cereal on my headddd” and another time, “Flush the toileeeettttt!!!”  I got my first scare on my face while at her house.  We were playing in her room, I was in the closet and wasn’t getting out, so she ended up closing my face in the closet door (so I hear the story goes).  We used to eat watermelon in her backyard and put the juice into small cups to pretend that we were drinking watermelon wine.  Her momma, I called her aunt Betty Sue, was a consummate canner and cooker of fresh food from their gardens.  One day I walked into their kitchen and Aunt Betty Sue had fried okra all on the counter top ready to be eaten.  I was NOT a fan of fried okra, but she encouraged me to try it.  The best I recall, I liked it.  Not a huge fan of it still, but if I had to eat it, I could graciously.
Jeana’s mom was a professor at USF and had been a principal at the local elementary school.  She was tough when it came to us sitting in church.  Grant it, the church was small and any movement from two little girls would be a distraction from the preachin’.  She would busy us with these old hole-punched scan types of cards to write on so we wouldn’t disturb the church service.  One day when the lady bugs were in full force, we gathered a ton of them and put them in her car.  When it was time to go home, Aunt Betty Jean (yes, another lady by the name of Betty that really wasn’t my aunt) opened the door and lady bugs came flying out of her car.  Let’s just say she wasn’t very pleased with us, but we got a good laugh out of it.
We’ve celebrated each others’ weddings together and have sent each other Christmas cards every year.  The last time I think we all three sat down together for a chat was about twenty years ago. I remember this because Tim and I had just gotten married and I had invited my two childhood sista friends over for lunch at our apartment.
Years have passed since we last all three got together, but I know in a heartbeat that if I need these girls, they would be there.  I’m thinking it’s time for a reunion.  Girls’ night?  It’s past due.
When I read Proverbs 25:25 today, God totally put on my heart to write (not type or text or any other mode of electronic communication) a simple note to both Paula Sue and Jeana.  The verse says:
·        “Like a cool drink of water when you’re worn out and weary is a letter from a long-lost friend.
Just as these memories have been like a cool drink of water for me, I hope the letter they both receive will refresh them with memories from days gone by, and put a little smile on their faces.
What are you waiting for?  Pick up your pen and jot a little “thinking of you” note to an old friend.  Make sure you say a prayer while writing it and when you seal the envelope thanking God for the blessing in your lives and many more to come.
Blessings to you.
October 28,  “Walking in the Word”