Just a little walk with Thee

What a glorious morning!  The air was crisp and the sky was blue. It was a perfect morning for a walk. I put the headphones on and started to choose which Pandora radio I wanted to listen to. Michael Buble’s name jumped out at me, and I selected his radio. I was in an...

Feeling Peaceful

Peace.  That is my complete feeling today. I read the scriptures this morning, and I’m still pondering about what to journal for today.  But, as my day progresses, I feel so calm. We often hear about the calm before the storm.  Do I have one coming?  If so, I’m sure...

Jesus…the original rock star

  It’s almost time for the Strawberry Festival here in Plant City.  We are the winter strawberry capital of the world, and our town transforms into a tourist area.  Back in 1985 I was selected to be in the queen’s court. We had a blast!  Each night we were...

Are you sinking?

Remember the story in the bible about when Jesus was walking on the water, and the disciples saw Him and thought He was a ghost.  Jesus was like, “Chill out. It’s just Me.  Don’t be afraid.”  Then Peter, probably straining his eyes and tilting his head like a dog,...

A Pity-Party?

  Have you ever had a “pity party” for yourself?  I sure have.  There have been times when “mommy” wanted to get away from it all, for some reason or another, and just wanna cry or sulk or whatever I felt like doing…alone.  Call it the blues, self-pity, or...