There were so many rich lessons to be learned while reading through the bible today. 
You would think that I’d talk about “The Blame Game” between Adam, Eve, and The Snake.  But…no.  You may say, “Ooo, I know, the story about sibling rivalry between Cain and Abel.” Try again.  Oh, you probably think it’s the great story about obedience with Joseph as he takes Mary and Jesus to and from Egypt to the hills of Galilee and settles in the village of Nazareth.  Sorry, wrong again.
When I read Genesis 3:8, I had to stop, breathe the words in, ponder, and smile.  The verse says, “When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden…”  Wow!  That must have been something to hear God walking.  In The Message translation it reads, “When they heard the sound of God strolling in the garden in the evening breeze…” That just sounds so peaceful to me.
I couldn’t wait to get outside to imagine I hear God taking a stroll.

Today my daughter and I drove across the state to the oldest town in Florida, St. Augustine.  While we were walking the old streets and reading about the rich history of the city, I couldn’t help but try to imagine God walking the streets with us.  (I’m sure He was. J)
Later in the afternoon we drove over to the beach and walked out on the pier.  Again, I could envision God’s footprints in the sand while listening to the waves glide onto the shore.
Finally, God made a stomp as we went to dinner.  Holly and I ate at the Saltwater Cowboy.  Their website describes their location as “perched above wildlife-laden salt marshes flanking the Intracoastal Waterway.” ( God’s stomp was when He displayed the gorgeous sunset for us to enjoy.

As you read scripture, I hope you can walk away with those special surprise verses that God gives you.
Prayer: “Thank You, Lord, for the peaceful verse that I hadn’t necessarily thought about before.  Thank You for walking and protecting Holly and I on our adventure.  Amen.”
January 2