Choices, choices, choices.  We all have them in life. 
We have a choice to get out of bed each day.  Some days you may want to sleep in, but if you made that choice it would probably (will) affect others, such as your family, co-workers, friends, etc.
Today I had a choice to hang out around the house and grade papers and clean up, or go to church.  I sure am glad that I chose to go to church. As soon as I sat down in the pew, I could feel God’s presence.  When my friend Amber was singing the song “Something Happens”, my oh my, did I feel the Holy Spirit.  The hand went up in praise and the eyes were filled with tears as I thought about my “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”. (I wish I had her on video to share.) And then…Dr. Jim Henry preached a great sermon (of course) on Life’s Circumstances.  Blessed!
After church we went out to eat.  Choices… Lobster, shrimp, chicken, or fish?  Clam chowder or potato soup? Cobb, Caesar, or House salad? Mashed or baked potato?  Key Lime pie or Chocolate Delight A La Mode? Let’s just say I rolled out of there and felt like I should just walk home. ( I chose to sit my happily full self in the truck and ride home.)
I remind my children and my students that we have a choice each day, each step we take, each word we say, or each action we do.  Shoot, I remind myself that also on a daily basis.
In Deuteronomy 11:26-28a it says, “Today I am giving you a choice. You may choose the blessing or the curse. 27 You will get the blessing if you listen and obey the commands of the Lord your God that I have told you today. 28 But you will get the curse if you refuse to listen and obey the commands of the Lord your God.”  God is pretty cut and dry when it comes to choices.  There’s a right way and a wrong way.  It’s as simple as black and white, no grey for God.
If you make godly choices in life, you will be blessed. If you don’t choose to follow God, well, let’s just choose to follow God.  You be glad you did.
So, you have a decision to make right now.  Will you believe in God, accept Christ in your heart, and turn from sin, or will you choose to live for yourself and the world?
(I’ve journaled about “choices” several times.  Feel free to type in the word “choice” in the search section to see more journal entries.)
I pray that you will include God in the choices you make in life.
Blessings to you.
April 7