I’m sure we could all go on about situations where we all need a God hug or even just a tight squeeze of the hand.
Yesterday one of my nieces, Elizabeth, lost her young father. He had a massive heart attack which ended up leaving him with no brain activity and failing organs.
Tomorrow will be one year since my dear friend, Laura, lost her husband, Mike, to cancer.

Recently my admirable friend, Billie Jo, acquired her three grandchildren.  One step-grandson who has health issues due to a drowning last year, and two infants under the age of ten months (and they are not twins).

My mother-in-law, Jany, is battling some condition that desires us needing answers and her ready for a healing.
This morning I read Psalm 63:8, “I cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely.”
My mind went straight to my loved ones above, amongst a list of others who have been heavy on my heart and in my prayers recently.
No matter what our situation may be, great or small God cares for them all, just remember that you can cling to God.  He will not only hold you securely with His mighty hand, but will hold you in His comforting arms wrapped completely around your body.
Have you had you held God’s hand today?  He’s waiting with His out-stretched arm.
(Thank you for praying for the aforementioned.)
Blessings to you.
May 20