Have you ever put your fingers in your ears and went “la,la,la,la,la,…”?  Or you are in the car, someone is telling you something, and you turn the music up?  What about you’ve just plain ole turned deaf’s ear someone’s way, stood there, and just shook your head in agreement with no intention of taking their advice?
Oh, I’ve done it all.  Stubborn has had a tendency to be my middle name at times.
When I’ve not listened to someone’s criticism of me, most likely things didn’t turn out so well for me.
It’s hard to admit when we are wrong.  But when we do, ohhhh the freedom and wisdom that comes with it is rewarding.
I can think of a recent incident that I should have been criticized on something, but I guess the person I was communicating with was just being nice to me and agreeing with what I said.  She should have told me to get out of my bull-headedness and try something new and more beneficial.  We both could have learned a little bit of wisdom at that point.
Now I’m not talking about accepting any type of criticism.  Meanness has NO place in anyone’s life. But when criticism is given out of love and in a well-thought-out and godly manner, your just might want to turn your ears on and listen.
Proverbs 15:32-33 says, “If you refuse to be corrected, you are only hurting yourself. Listen to criticism, and you will gain understanding. Wisdom teaches you to respect the Lord. You must be humbled before you can be honored.”
So take your fingers out of your ears, turn the radio off, and honestly listen to good-godly council.  It’s a tough lesson to learn, but sooo worth it.
Blessings to y’all.
June 17