“My child, if your heart is wise, my own heart will rejoice!  Everything in me will celebrate when you speak what is right.” Proverbs 23:15-16
My heart was leaping for joy the other day.  It was one of those days when something glorious was brought to my attention relating to each of my three children.  Some things occurred that is not a word or event that usually transpires.  Now, don’t get me wrong, my munchkins are wonderful and display great things to me often.  But for these three occurrences to happen in one weekend, I was smiling, jumping, cheering, just downright celebrating!
Okay, Hunter, my eldest, is the one we call “Word” at home.  I hear that he is a bundle of laughs and a novel of conversation with others, but here is an example of what we hear from him at home:
“How was your day?”
“What did you learn in Sunday school?”
“Tell me about your football practice.”
You get the point.  Word is his nickname.
Well, a sweet friend told me about a text message that he sent.  Someone was having a bad day and Hunter, my son, “Word”, texted godly wisdom to this person.  When she read the words to me, I thought, “Did I send that?”  No!  It was my quietly, always observant son that spilled out gracious and great knowledge to an individual in need. Priceless!  *My heart was jumping up and down!*
Next, it was Holly’s turn. Her granddaddy took her surfing after church on Sunday.  When she returned she articulated two sentences that thrilled my soul.  One, she had made a comment that went something like this, “I turned the shower off because I didn’t want to waste the water.”  Wait!  This is my girl who showers for about the length of a television show.  Conservation was on Holly’s mind? Kudos!  But water wasn’t the only thing she was conserving.  This chic said a sentence that was music to my ears. Holly told me that when she went to purchase a swimsuit she “went straight to the clearance rack.”  Woohoo!! Conserving money while shopping! A girl after my own heart. *Did you see my heart doing the Happy Dance?*
Finally, there was Cole.  He came home from the beach, got his shower, and went straight to completing his homework. Did I remind him to do either of those things?  No!  A shower and finishing homework without being reminded to do so from a preteen boy?  A rarity? For my son, yes! *Rejoice, oh my soul!*
Do you think that God, our Heavenly Father, does a Happy Dance and His heart jumps for joy when we say and do something that is wise and right?  I can see Him now doing the Godly Shuffle.
Have you made God rejoice because of the choices you’re making in your life?  I hope so.
“My child, if your heart is wise, my own heart will rejoice!  Everything in me will celebrate when you speak what is right.” Proverbs 23:15-16
Blessings and God’s abundant love to y’all.

September 25