Old, New, and Forgiveness

Warning…when I read Colossians 2:16-3:17 my mind was racing in all sorts of directions. (Stay tuned… good reads below.) After reading verse 14 in one translation it says “Love is what holds everything together” and I thought about the Captain & Tennille song,...

I got a phone call from heaven last night!

I often, daily actually, think of Jany.  But today, four months and a dozen days later, I finally had a dream (that I can remember) about her. The phone rang, I answered, and Jany cheerfully said, “Good morning.”  She was calling me from heaven!  Jany’s voice sounded...

His Will not mine.

Yesterday was an exciting day at our church. We unanimously voted on our new pastor.  He preached a message from the series he has been preaching to his home church in Georgia on The Lord’s Supper.  The verse he focused on was from Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come,...

Live "However" or "Whatever"?

  Man, God’s word is full of encouraging and teachable words! When I read Psalm 119:9-11, as a mother of three I’m saying, “Yes! Yes! Advice on how to be pure!” But really it applies to all of us (the “young” at heart) in our thoughts and actions. We need to read...

Just what I needed:

He’s done gone and done it again! I am so grateful that I serve the God who knows my ever need, will pick me up when I and down, will kick my butt when I need reminding that He is in control, and when I need to step back, breathe, and count my blessings. Yep.  God did...