Last night Holly and I got to spend some quality mommy/daughter time together while shopping and driving to our destination.  I love seeing and hearing her wise and mature comments and questions for a fifteen year old. (Yes, she asked for my opinion on lots of things.  Whew…a teen who doesn’t “know-it-all”.)  We talked about friends, boys (of course), school, and life. 
This morning Holly came downstairs with a confident voice and declared some revelations with me.  I was/am so proud of her!
God sealed her revelation with the scriptures.  I shared Psalm 143:8-11 with her, and she said “Amen”.  It says:
 8 Show me Your faithful love this morning.
I trust in you.
Show me what I should do.
I put my life in your hands!
Lord, I come to you for protection.
    Save me from my enemies.
10 Show me what you want me to do.
You are my God.
Let your good Spirit lead me over level ground.
11 Lord, let me live
so that people will praise your name.

I am so grateful that God gave me a wise and wonderful daughter.  Holly is trusting in Him and seeking His will for her life.  Her will is definitely sprinkled all through it. But He knows her desires, and she is seeking Him.  That’s important.
I hope and pray that you see God’s faithful love this and every morning.  Put your life in His hands.  He will protect you.  Ask Him to show you what He wants you to do.  Praise His name in all you do.  AMEN!
Blessings and God’s abundant love to all.