Yes, I got my refill. 🙂

The past few mornings I have felt the strong need to pray for Jesus to consume me, wash over me, make me more like Him, and to use me for His glory.  I needed Him! 
God is like a drug.  A good one! 
More years ago than I can remember, I was diagnosed with hypo-thyroidism. (I thought I had written about it before, so I did a search on the site, but no luck.  Here’s what I did find…click here
I can clearly remember when the doctor had came in the room, after receiving my blood test results, and asked me the following questions (and my response follows):

  • Have you been tired lately?
    • Only because I chase three children under five years of age I’m chasing around (hmmm, or was it two at the time.  I can’t remember.)
  • Are you gaining weight?
    • I looked down at my petite body and replied, “No.”

And there were a few more questions that clearly didn’t seem to pertain to my health.  But…all the symptoms he was describing to me, I was supposed to have according to the unusual numbers for my thyroid count.
So when the doctor prescribed me with my meds, I carefully read the possible side effects and decided to pray them up to God and rebuke them. They were like:  “You could gain energy.”  “You could lose weight.”, etc.  Everything that it was listing, I was like, “No thank you!”  I already had more energy (I have a high metabolism) than a small village, and I did not need to lose any weight (at that time).
Well, because “I” didn’t think that I needed the drug because I didn’t have the symptoms of my disease, when my prescription ran out I just didn’t get a refill right away.  That’s when it happened.   My body began to feel tired out-of-the-blue.  I called in the refill, and after becoming regulated on the meds again my energy level revamped. (I guess the doctor knew best.)
That’s when it made me think, “Ugh!  My body is dependent on a drug.”
I thought about this scenario all over again because I recently ran out of my prescription.  I only have about a week and a half before I go for my physical, so I was thinking it wasn’t going to be a big deal, even though the nurse clearly stated to me, “Do NOT run out of your meds!  Call me and I’ll approve a refill.”
Yesterday, a co-worker asked me if I’ve been okay.  She said that I haven’t been my usual perky self lately.  I could contribute it to an emotional week  I had a couple of weeks ago, or the monotonous routine of practicing for final exams, but then the thought hit me… “I haven’t taken my meds in a couple of days.”  (I guess the nurse knew best.)
Whether it was due to emotions, tediousness of reviewing, or my meds, my co-worker’s comment resonated with me.
People see a difference in your life!  When you have Christ in you, His love is like a drug.  Without Him daily, others can possibly see a difference in your attitude. (As they should.)
I know, for me, that when I am not in His word daily or attending church regularly “I” can tell a difference in my life.
So, let God be your drug.  Be dependent on Him! Take your daily dose of The Word. Don’t think you’ve “got this”, when clearly “He knows best!”
In John 15:1-5we read,Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (verses 4 and 5)
Remain in Him.  Rely on Him.  Allow God to shine through you and speak to you.
I pray God’s abundant love and blessings for y’all.