Selective Sight?

Oh, my Holly.  Gotta love her.  She has one main chore to do around the house…fold and put away the laundry.  Bless her heart, around our house, that’s almost a daily chore.  The other morning, before she left for school, I reminded her (as I often have to do for some...

Feel free to leave a comment for Laura

Today marks the two year anniversary of a good friend and an inspiration to many passing through the Pearly Gates. He fought the good fight for sure! I posted this link on Facebook and received comments about him.  When I shared the comments with his wife, Laura,...

Smack Sin

*Smack*!! This morning when I went into the restroom to get ready for the day I heard a buzzing sound.  Oh that all too familiar sound of the dreaded mosquito.  I stopped, looked around without movement, went to glance in the mirror to see if I could see this...

Secure Yourself

“You shall not steal.”  Exodus 20:15 Period. Why?  Because God said so. Tonight while my niece was celebrating family members at a ceremony, someone else was doing some new found celebration of their own. Some idiot broke into her fiancé’s truck and stole her purse. ...

Praying through it all

In life we have instances or see situations that we may think are comical at first.  But then we realize the seriousness of it all, and it’s not a laughing matter. I experienced and witnessed an occasion such as this today.  When I realized that what was going on was...