Here's the simple decor' hanging on the wall.

Do you have a memento, saying, picture, or something around your home that when you see it you just have a smile on your face because it reminds you of a special person or time?  Maybe that little something puts a song in your heart.
I’ve been looking for something to go on the wall in our shower room to replace two nautical pictures that Tim and I have had since our wedding day (1991). Well, the other day I saw the perfect display to replace those two framed pictures. 
I see it every morning when I wash my face and each night before I go to bed.  Each time I see it the new décor’ puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart.
When Hunter was born, my precious granny was in the last ten days of her time here on earth. I was so blessed to have my granny hold “my little man” and sing “You are my sunshine” to him.  That is a memory I’ll definitely treasure.
Then, not too long after my granny’s entrance to Heaven I was in the kitchen in our little apartment, cooking up some breakfast, and Hunter was lying in his little bouncy chair.  You know when babies are little you’re not sure if they are smiling because of gas or genuineness. Well, that morning I looked at Hunter and started singing, “You are my sunshine”.  The smile on his face was as genuine as they come.  My heart was filled as that was Hunter’s first true smile.  I will never forget the look of pleasantness and delight on his handsome face.
Matthew 6:19-21 says, “Don’t save treasures for yourselves here on earth. Moths and rust will destroy them. And thieves can break into your house and steal them. 20 Instead, save your treasures in heaven, where they cannot be destroyed by moths or rust and where thieves cannot break in and steal them. 21 Your heart will be where your treasure is.”  I don’t necessarily “treasure” the picture that is now hanging in our shower room, but I do treasure the memories that it conjures up when I see it daily. 
Well, these little treasured things or memories that we have here are earth are just a fleeting thing.  One thing that we can forever treasure is our time with God. 
You’ve probably heard the saying, “You never see anyone talking a U-Haul to heaven.”  Well, that surely is true.  So, during our short stay here on earth do embrace those treasured mementos and memories, just don’t forget to get your heart and life right with Christ and share His love with others.  Your secure salvation with Jesus Christ is the forever treasure.  And that alone should put a smile on your face and song in your heart.
Now, you know you’ve been waiting to do this, if you haven’t already…”You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.  You make me happy, when skies are grey.  You’ll never know dear, how much I love you.  Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.  2 Corinthians 4:6. 
I hope you are the sunshine for Christ that others need to see today.
I pray God’s abundant love and blessings for y’all.