This is a picture of the bag I bought the other day with this saying on it.  (Fringe Boutique in Plant City)

This is a picture of the bag I bought the other day with this saying on it. (Fringe Boutique in Plant City)

Following God’s plan can be scary.  Why?  We possibly become afraid because we are not in control, or maybe it is because of the whole “unknown” thing.
Well, friend, you are not alone when you feel this way.
Think about Mary about 2014 years ago. An angel appeared to inform her of God’s plan.
In Luke 1:30 the angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God!” According to various translations, Mary was disturbed, confused, shaken, and trembling.
But then guess what?  When you continue reading the verses that follow, you see how Mary did what you and I would probably do; she questioned God on her ability to see His plan through.  In verse 34 “Mary asked the angel, ‘But how can this happen? I am a virgin.’”  Remember Moses questioning God as well on his ability to speak because he was slow in his speech?  What about Sarah  getting pregnant at such an old age, or even Mary’s cousin Elizabeth  pregnant with John the Baptist when she wasn’t able to conceive as well?  No need for us to question God’s plan for us or our ability to carry it through.  We must remember…

  • God is the God of miracles and promises.
  • He can do anything.
  • It’s not through “us” that things happen for His glory, it is God through us.

If you continue reading in scripture (and I sure hope you do), you read how Mary pretty much said, “Yes, Lord.” in verse 38, and was willing to trust Him.
And then…Mary does, beginning at verse 46, what we should do while we are in and through the midst of our journey with God, she gave praise to Him.
Have you heard the quote, “I don’t know what my future holds, but I know Who holds my future.”?  I love it!  Trust, my friend.  Trust in God and God alone.  Praise Him through your doubts, struggles, and adventures.  Know that He will carry you through it all. Give Him all the glory.
I pray God’s abundant love and much joy for y’all.

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