Prepare Yourself Daily

I was excited when I read this morning scripture. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”  Ephesians 6:10-11 I was excited for a few reasons. One, in about...

God will meet you were you are.

If you will allow God to reveal Himself and the life lessons He desires to teach you, He will. He will meet you where you are. This was evident to me when I read Jeremiah 17:5-10. In these verses, God spoke words of wisdom (As if He can speak any other way…duh....

A Day to Celebrate!

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 There are countless reasons to celebrate today, but one is the nearest and dearest to my heart. First of all, today is the first day of spring. When I think of the first day of...

"Grand" Advice

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Recently Tim, his dad, Cole, and I took the boat out for a day of fishing, and of course lunch. As we were leaving our lunch destination granddaddy and Cole took...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Y'all!

“Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.” St. Patrick Whiskey tasting, Highland games, Celtic bands, kilts galore, and ample heritage…that’s how we started off our Spring Break week. Well, I’m not a...