“Minute-less Monday” (well….a little more than a minute) is below.
Almost daily someone asks me, “Why are you limping?”  This usually occurs after I’ve been sitting down for a while, or even a short spell.  But, once I get moving, and keep moving, I’m good.  I could walk all day.
Age?  Maybe.  A result from my injury  from November 2016? Absolutely.

Layla enjoys prayer walks with me.

Our dog, Layla, is a beautiful bull mastiff.  When this massive dog arises from lying down, her hips sway from side to side, and her limp is apparent. Yet, once she begins to move… “she’s gone”.  Especially when Layla senses danger to us, her protective mode kicks in and she sprints from her sedentary position.
I often humorously comment how Layla and I walk a lot alike when we first get going.
This makes me think about our walk with Christ.
When we “sit a while”, and live our life on our own, we just may tend to get a little limp in our relationship with God. And, don’t mistake your limp for having some swag in your step.  If you get to that point, you just may be a smidgen full of yourself.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

God desires for us to walk humbly WITH Him.
Think about it…

  • When you are walking WITH someone, you are heading in the same direction.
  • When you are walking WITH someone, you are most likely carrying on a conversation with them.
  • When you are walking WITH someone, you are building a relationship with them.
  • When you are walking WITH someone, you reciprocate the listening time, and hear them speak too.

That’s how it is with God.  Walk with Jesus and you are:

  • Heading in His direction. Following His will for your life.
  • Having conversation with God through constant prayer.
  • Growing stronger in your relationship with Jesus Christ your Savior.
  • Just remember to listen to Him. (And it’s not “mental illness”, like Joy Behar has so pathetically called it.) God DOES speak!  Through His word, songs, nature, etc.  Just be still and know.  Can I get an Amen!”?

Morning walks with my man. <3

I love walking with my man, Tim.  Our morning walks require commitment to rise and shine, and dedication to lace up our shoes and get moving.  Our morning walks may last for thirty minutes to over an hour.  Our morning walks aren’t spent with one of us having headphones in our ears and ignoring one another.  Our morning walks aren’t always talkative, as much as simply spending time with each other.  Our morning walks are a great way to start the day.
I can’t help but think of the song, “Just a Closer Walk with Thee”.  We used to sing this often at church, when I was growing up.  I love this hymn and the memories it brings to my mind and warms my heart. Click here to listen to the song.  I hope it brings back great memories for you as well.
I want to encourage you to get-up-and-get-moving with Jesus! Commit yourself to Him.  Spend time with God. Communicate with Christ. I promise you…you will fall in love with walking with The Man.
If you are going to do any “sitting”, sit and be still with God.
Also, when you start walking with God, you’ll be like Layla when danger comes.  She guards us, and the danger runs away.  Layla may be running towards it to protect us, but you can guarantee that the enemy/danger is fleeing.  Stick with God and fight the devil.

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Have a fabulous day!
Thanks for watching and sharing  “Minute-less Mondays”.
Blessings to you and yours,

So it’s paramount that you keep the commandments of God, your God, walk down the roads He shows you and reverently respect Him. Deuteronomy 8:6

 “for we walk by faith, not by sight.”  2 Corinthians 5:7  (It’s what we trust in but don’t yet see that keeps us going.) 

 “Minute-less Monday” (well….a little more than a minute):