Hey, teens, young ladies, women really of any age…I just had a thought… This weekend is the second year that Tim and I have hosted a slew of teen boys in our new home for a youth church event.  After the group, of eleven tenth grade boys, two college age boys,...
Happy Birthday to Hunter!

Happy Birthday to Hunter!

Twenty-Two! Twenty-Two years ago, Tim and I became parents. Twenty-Two years ago, God gave us Hunter Wayne Shuff. Twenty-Two years ago, I felt a love I had never known. Twenty-Two years ago…and each day thereafter…I have been given a glimpse of The Ultimate...
Which Charateristics Do You Choose?

Which Charateristics Do You Choose?

What’s up with the faces…checkout today’s “Minute-less Monday” video below.  My daughter laughs at these photos and says, “You’re weird!”.  Hahahaha But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,...
Refreshes My Soul

Refreshes My Soul

Spring Break had me on a “journaling break”.  We ate our way through the panhandle of Florida.  Cool weather and windy conditions didn’t stop us from having a fun and memorable time.  I’ll post a road trip entry for y’all.  Maybe you’ll take a little road trip through...
Waves of Peace

Waves of Peace

Today’s “Minute-less Monday” is simply a video of observing God’s great love through the waves from the Gulf of Mexico. I pray that you will be still and know.  I pray that you will rest in His love and peace.  I pray that you will allow God’s love and peace crash...