Motivational Monday:  Look at and to the light.

Motivational Monday: Look at and to the light.

Looking at life with a Godly perspective. Our electric company provides a surge protection system called Zap Cap.  This system is installed near or behind the meter.  The electrician came out to update our system and asked me, “How long has this light been out?” I had...
Work with Integrity

Work with Integrity

It is good for people to be kind and generous and to be fair in business. Psalm 112:5 When I first read my morning scripture, numerous testimonies came to my mind of businessmen who have told me about how they rejected a business deal that wasn’t honest and godly,...
Not my appointment time, but God…

Not my appointment time, but God…

Why?  Why am I in awe when God does what He does? He is so good and His timing is always perfect. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your...
Jump on in, the water is…more than fine!

Jump on in, the water is…more than fine!

Jump on in! What are you waiting for?  The water is fine…actually, The Living Water is more than fine, He’s divine! The following journal entry was written back in March of 2012.  When I reread this, I thought about how jumping in to living a Christ-like-life...