Why do we sometimes wait so long before we go see the doctor?  And I’m not just talking about your family doctor, but The Great Physician. 
Eight days ago I woke up with a little swollen was on the right side of my throat. The next day it was the left. Day three it was more sinus stuff. Day four head and body ache. Symptoms would come and go, but I thought with plenty of rest, gargling warm salt water, and over-the-counter meds I’d be fine in no time. Finally, on night eight I couldn’t breathe out of my right nostril and my voice continued to sound like the frogs croaking in the swamp behind our home. I’m over it!  I called the doctors office, no appointments for a few days. Ugh! So I slid out of bed, washed my face, put in some presentable clothes and a hat, and headed to the nearest urgent care. 
Wow!  I walked into the normally overpacked waiting room to a completely empty one.  Within five minutes I was called back. After getting my vitals, the nurse escorted me to room four and said, “It will be a while.  Sorry.” I sat in the chair for about five minutes, then I decided to curl up on the white, crunchy papered medical table to curl up and close my eyes.  The next thing I know, the doctor knocked and came in. The wait time was less than ten total minutes.  
He asked questions, examined me, then proceeded to prescribe three antibiotics to me for laryngitis, sinus infection, and a cough. Wham Bam Thank you ma’am!
On the way to retrieve my prescriptions, I grabbed some food knowing the meds may not be ready when I got there.  When I gave the pharmacist my name she told me it will be about thirty minutes. Back to the car I went to eat my food.  Again…it wasn’t five minutes later and my phone buzzed with three texts messages announcing all three prescriptions were ready. Wham Bam thank you ma’am!
On the drive home, this scenario reminded me of “Why do we sometimes wait so long before we call out to Jesus?”
Friend, whatever your illness is: lying, cheating, abuse of any kind, laziness, deceitfulness, pornography, gossiping, being too busy for your loves ones and God, whatever…stop trying to self-medicate and thinking you can get through this on your own.  It’s time you said, “I’m over it!”  I’m sure those around you sure are over your illness.  Remember, you illness doesn’t affect just you, but those around you.  Go see The Doctor and allow God to heal you.
Now, just like I must regularly take my prescriptions until they run out in order to heal well, the same goes with Jesus.  The thing is…with Christ, He doesn’t have an expiration date, and He will never run out on you. Take a daily dose of Jesus.  You can even take Him more than three times, six times, fiddlesticks every second of the day, and He will always be there to heal you.  You’ve gotta want it. Do you? 
I pray that someday soon you will be able to say “Wham Bam thank you God!”
Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; Save me and I will be saved, For You are my praise. Jeremiah 17:14 NASB
Heal well my friend.  Now, I’m off to take my meds and cuddle up under the covers.
Blessings to you and yours,