Home…Happy Thanksgiving

Home…Happy Thanksgiving

Home.   During this holiday season folks are traveling the hustling roads that lead to home. Whether college kids are returning for a nice break (and for their parents to wash their clothes and feed them some delicious non-fast food meals) or you’re traveling to see...
Motivational Monday:  Be Grateful

Motivational Monday: Be Grateful

Happy Motivational Monday, and the week of Thanksgiving. I want to encourage you to count our blessings. If I were to start a list of things I’m grateful for that happened just today, it would look something like this: Waking up. The ability to exercise. Running into...
Motivation:  Dream Big, yet…Dream Small

Motivation: Dream Big, yet…Dream Small

Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things He does for me. Psalm 103:2 I pray that you will be open and alert to how God will use you to do great things in small ways along life’s way.  Stop and smell the roses.  Find joy in the little...
Motivation:  “Now what?”

Motivation: “Now what?”

Now what? Life has its ups and downs.  When situations happen to you, how are you going to react? I sure hope you enjoy this video.  There are some good words and encouragement right here: “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”...