Today is the last day of a decade. Today is the last day of 2019. Today is a day of reflecting back on occurrences over the past year. There have been some unforgettably exciting moments, and there have been incidents that have been heart wrenching that i wish would have never happened. Yet, as I survey this last year’s highlights, I am reminded how blessed I am to have a God who has been with me each step of the way. 
In the Bible God references how we are to remember. Remember what He’s done and remember where we’ve been. Those times help us grow in our spiritual life, keep us from (hopefully) repeating mistakes, and help to form our character. I know that when I recollect on circumstances in my life I can see evidence of how the good and bad events have made me a stronger person…on my own and definitely in Christ. I can reflect on those times when I was so weak and downtrodden yet clearly see that God carried me and gave me comfort, strength, and peace. 
Looking back can be lesson of growth, but I want to encourage you to also look ahead. Focus. The year 2020 is almost here!
How can one not think about having 20/20 vision when saying the start of this decade? When I read what 20/20 meant it said:
20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet…Having 20/20 vision does not necessarily mean you have perfect vision. 20/20 vision only indicates the sharpness or clarity of vision at a distance. (Sourced from the American Optometric Association website)
Did you notice those words clarity and sharpness?
When you look up the definition of clarity you’ll see words like “lucid to understanding”, or “being transparent”.   I pray for us to have understanding in God’s will and words. I pray that our transparency will bring others closer to Christ in a real way. 
But read further… Having 20/20 vision does not necessarily mean you have perfect vision.  No, we won’t be perfect, our lives won’t be perfect, our dreams won’t be perfect…but God and His will for us is perfect. 
So be truly glad.  There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you use endure many trials for a little while. 1 Peter 1:6 (underlining emphasis is mine)
So…let us hone in on His plan for us as we look ahead. 
Not only do I pray that you will understand Him better, but that you will set your eyes on The Perfect One daily. 
I’m taking it back to what jump started Soaking Up The Son. That’s right, I’m getting back to my roots. Want to join me?  Oh how I sure hope you do. Here’s what in mean:
This whole website started in 2012 by me simply journaling my thoughts down after I spent time in the Word each day. It has evolved over the years, but reading the Bible in a year and jotting down something I learned from it was the commencement of it all. 
Our pastor at the time, Dr. Michael Lewis, had challenged us to read the Bible through in a year and keep a journal. I did the same reading plan for a couple of years. Was I always consistent or “perfect” in reading and journaling? No. But it always left me craving more of God’s word. There would be days where I had to read 2-4 days in one, but I eventually got it done. I will confess that there were some days that just never got read in a year.
I’ve tried other reading plans, and had great intentions, but my follow through wasn’t so good. 
I am determined and desire to set my focus on reading through the Bible in a year again. 
Listen, each time I read scripture, God has a way of exposing something or sharing insight with me that I didn’t see before. Life happens. Experiences occur. Stages vary. Through it all…God remains the same. 
Will I be consistent on a daily basis this time? I can only hope so.
As I read the Bible through in a year, I will share some insight that was revealed to me with you. 
But here’s what I really want…to encourage YOU to join me. We can challenge and encourage one another. We can converse via comments on social media or via [email protected] for private conversations. 
From personal experience, daily reading is recommended…for consistent growth, accountability, and it won’t be overwhelming when you miss a day or more. Just don’t give up. 
While searching for the same reading plan I did before, I came across a website that has compiled a variety of plans for you to choose from. Here’s the website,, and I’ll attach the plan I chose to do as well (there will eventually a tab at the top of the web page for you to view/copy/print) . I like the “Read from the Old/New Testaments, Psalms and Proverbs” plan. To me it kept it fresh for this squirrel-minded person. 
Will you start your 2020 off with 20/20 vision for God?
Who’s in?
The featured photo above describes this entry perfectly…Slightly reflecting on what was, yet excited for what is to come.
Blessings to you and yours,

Setting into the new year!