You are valuable!

You are valuable!

Question: When you have something that costs a lot, do you take better care of it than if you had something that wasn’t well made or cheap? When I ask others, and myself, this question the answer is always “Yes, absolutely.” Almost with a “Duh” attitude.  Can I tell...
Tips/insight/thoughts when doing a bible study:

Tips/insight/thoughts when doing a bible study:

I am beginning a new in-depth bible study with three young ladies. These twenty-somethings are at different stages in their walk with God. This may be their first bible study or at least their first in-depth one that requires homework. We are studying When You Pray...
Changing the code. Guard your heart.

Changing the code. Guard your heart.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23 Six years ago, we moved out to the country. It seems that we have had some type of construction going on all these years. Our latest renovation is almost finished. Praise the...
Are you a Funky Formation or Beautiful Creation?

Are you a Funky Formation or Beautiful Creation?

It’s that time of year when people are carving pumpkins and feeling fallish.  You may have already carved a pumpkin. The creatively chiseled creation just may be shimmering in the night on your front porch. If you live where the weather is cool, and it actually feels...
Be courteous

Be courteous

I was sitting on the edge of the stage, ready to share a bible story and lesson with about seventy energetic kindergartens through second graders. While they were entering the room and finding their place to settle down, one precious little girl sat in front of me....