Soaking up the Son

God is alive and active. He uses every day experiences to reveal Himself to us. See what simple or crazy life lessons God reveals to me. Challenge yourself to see, speak with, and listen to God daily.

Join Me on My Journey

Lessons from the Beach


Pack your bags and head to the beach. Enjoy traveling around the coasts of Florida with Cole and Holly, as they learn valuable lessons while experiencing life with their family.
From building sandcastles in Saint Augustine to capturing lobster in the Keys, you will explore the beaches and learn fun facts about each location.
Some of the lessons you will learn are taking care of our environment, discovering joy in watching God’s creation, and finding courage when times can be a bit scary.
On each page keep your eyes open with anticipation as you search for a special crab. May this interactive book remind you to keep your eyes open to all the glorious surroundings God gives us each day.
The author, Stephanie Shuff, is delighted to share just a few of their family beach experiences with you all. The Shuff family loves spending time on their boat, traveling to different beaches in their home state, and allowing God to speak to them through His glorious creation.The illustrator, Deborah Smith, beautifully captures each memory through her lively illustrations.

The Right Road


Join Hunter and his mom as she takes him by the hand and reminisces about her childhood. When Hunter finds himself in trouble, he runs to his mother for comfort and protection. Through this engaging story, you will discover that we all can learn from this little boy’s dilemma. It doesn’t matter the age or the stage you are in, find comfort in knowing that you can run to our Heavenly Father for protection and guidance. On each page keep your eyes open with anticipation as you search for a special ant. May this interactive book remind you to keep your eyes open to all the glorious surroundings God gives us each day. The author vividly portrays this story that occurred between her and her boy when he was a toddler. The illustrator, Deborah Smith, beautifully illustrates Stephanie’s childhood memories.

Stephanie Shuff

About Stephanie Shuff

I am a blessed girl! God uses everyday situations in my life to teach me about Him and His love. God’s Word is alive and active! A verse that I may have read last year, last week, or even yesterday, may have a new meaning to me depending on the season of life I’m in. This isn’t just true for me, but for you too. I thank you for reading and sharing this blog. I pray that God will speak to you through it all.

Become a Christian

Become a Christian

In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to heaven? It is as simple as spelling the word faith out on each finger.

Daily Walking with God

You must choose daily…whom will you serve.

You have a choice to make. What will it be? In life we have many choices. Actually, you have a choice for each second of your day…what to eat, where to go, what words will come out of your mouth, what to watch on television, to read the bible or not, what to wear, oh...

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Could you use a prayer right now?

My prayer for you: “Thank you, God, for the person reading this right now. Please give them spiritual intelligence and discernment in knowing You more intimately. I pray that they will hunger for more of You. Sweet Jesus, open their eyes to the great plans You have...

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Is the Bible Outdated?

Two thoughts for today...Sex and relevancy of the bible: First of all, I am so grateful for the letters, messages, and texts I’ve received, and conversations I’ve had with others regarding the topic of purity, specifically virginity. A huge THANK YOU! A couple of...

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How do I dress today?

Do you wake up in the morning and wonder, “What do I wear today?” Or maybe you’re someone who planned your outfit the night before. Oh my, are you one of those who plan your attire for the week?! Good for you. That’s definitely not me. Either way, the thought goes...

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Everything will be okay when…

In Deuteronomy 28:1-6 we read about what happens when we obey God. Here’s the simple deal….Just obey, and everything will be okay! I’ve even said those words to my students at school when we go over the expectations of our classroom. Think about it. If we just read...

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Where do you get your news?

I have a friend who types the most clever posts almost daily on her Facebook. She makes me laugh, and makes me think too. (Thank you, Lisa.) Back in September she posted, “Who else wakes up and checks their FB like it’s the morning paper?” Well….Do you? Social media...

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Time for a Transformation?

I’m thinking that lots came to mind within a short amount of time today. I woke up this morning thinking about how crazy some kids at school have gotten, how this is a week of a full moon, and how in a couple of days people of all ages (not just children) will be...

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Your sins are GONE!

Hallelujah! These words are exciting, true, and make me want to do a little happy dance all day long. Oh, you want to join in? Okay. Well take delight in 1 Peter 1:22-25 and embrace it: “You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth, so now you must show...

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How's Your Self-Image?

Wow! I’m astonished! But then again I’m not. Women, you have GOT to LOVE YOURSELF and know WHOSE you are. This morning I was working out a Curves. Yes, Curves. I love it! (Story to follow on why Curves.) The lady that was working out beside me was new. She had to be...

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Encouragement Through Songs

“Encourage each other with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord. Always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:19-20 I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m...

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Don't Just Be Good Enough!

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 A phrase that my church recently used in a sermon series was something to the effect of, “Don’t just be good enough”. Over the...

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Give a good word to others.

“People are happy when they give a good answer. And there is nothing better than the right word at the right time.”   Proverbs 15:23 Just a simple reminder to think before you speak.  It will make you happy and the recipient as well.  Hey, here's a good word for...

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