Soaking up the Son

God is alive and active. He uses every day experiences to reveal Himself to us. See what simple or crazy life lessons God reveals to me. Challenge yourself to see, speak with, and listen to God daily.

Join Me on My Journey

Lessons from the Beach


Pack your bags and head to the beach. Enjoy traveling around the coasts of Florida with Cole and Holly, as they learn valuable lessons while experiencing life with their family.
From building sandcastles in Saint Augustine to capturing lobster in the Keys, you will explore the beaches and learn fun facts about each location.
Some of the lessons you will learn are taking care of our environment, discovering joy in watching God’s creation, and finding courage when times can be a bit scary.
On each page keep your eyes open with anticipation as you search for a special crab. May this interactive book remind you to keep your eyes open to all the glorious surroundings God gives us each day.
The author, Stephanie Shuff, is delighted to share just a few of their family beach experiences with you all. The Shuff family loves spending time on their boat, traveling to different beaches in their home state, and allowing God to speak to them through His glorious creation.The illustrator, Deborah Smith, beautifully captures each memory through her lively illustrations.

The Right Road


Join Hunter and his mom as she takes him by the hand and reminisces about her childhood. When Hunter finds himself in trouble, he runs to his mother for comfort and protection. Through this engaging story, you will discover that we all can learn from this little boy’s dilemma. It doesn’t matter the age or the stage you are in, find comfort in knowing that you can run to our Heavenly Father for protection and guidance. On each page keep your eyes open with anticipation as you search for a special ant. May this interactive book remind you to keep your eyes open to all the glorious surroundings God gives us each day. The author vividly portrays this story that occurred between her and her boy when he was a toddler. The illustrator, Deborah Smith, beautifully illustrates Stephanie’s childhood memories.

Stephanie Shuff

About Stephanie Shuff

I am a blessed girl! God uses everyday situations in my life to teach me about Him and His love. God’s Word is alive and active! A verse that I may have read last year, last week, or even yesterday, may have a new meaning to me depending on the season of life I’m in. This isn’t just true for me, but for you too. I thank you for reading and sharing this blog. I pray that God will speak to you through it all.

Become a Christian

Become a Christian

In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to heaven? It is as simple as spelling the word faith out on each finger.

Daily Walking with God

M&M’s and the story of Christmas

M&M’s and the story of Christmas

When you come to our home, one constant item you will find is a jar of M&M'S. When I found the following object lesson using M&M’s to share the story of Jesus’ birth online, I had to demonstrate it to my precious AWANA children at church. It’s too cute not to...

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Find a penny, pick it up…

Find a penny, pick it up…

When you see a penny on the ground, or any coin really, do you look to see which side is up before you pick it up? Or, do you say, “Find a penny, pick it up. All day long you'll have good luck.”? Well, I used to, but my actions and thoughts changed the older I became....

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How do you handle stress?

How do you handle stress?

How do you destress? Even though I have troubles and hard times, your commands give me joy. Psalm 119:143 Troubles and trials are going to happen in life. It is stated in the bible. It is a fact. It is all so true. Period. When difficulty or stressful times come, we...

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Changing the code. Guard your heart.

Changing the code. Guard your heart.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23 Six years ago, we moved out to the country. It seems that we have had some type of construction going on all these years. Our latest renovation is almost finished. Praise the...

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A time to clean

A time to clean

Happy Friday. I hope these household duties motivate you to clean up your act. Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 Blessings to you and yours, Stephanie

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Chaos to Calm…it will happen with Jesus

Chaos to Calm…it will happen with Jesus

What a better day to journal about the calming of a storm than today, as many of us are home weathering out Florida’s latest LATE hurricane, Nicole.  When preparing for the next lesson to share with the group of kindergarten through second graders, I searched what...

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God’s Handiwork…The Blood Moon…YOU!

God’s Handiwork…The Blood Moon…YOU!

Each time I gaze at the stars in the sky, I can’t help but be in awe of God’s handiwork. The constellations are in place, the planets often appear to our naked eye, and the movement and construction of the clouds are like God teaching us various brush strokes of art....

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