Wisdom for Right Choices

For the past two weeks, all the students in the Florida Public School System have been taking the test called The FCAT.  The day before my youngest, Cole, was preparing for his test, we prayed it all up to God.  In the prayer I mentioned for God to give Cole the...

Make Jesus Do The Happy Dance

About ten years ago Tim had given me a necklace for Mother’s Day.  It has three diamonds to represent my three children and The Trinity. The other day I thought I had lost my necklace.  Well, I did lose it.  My mind was racing trying to remember when the last time I...

People Watching

“On a Sabbath day, Jesus went to the home of a leading Pharisee to eat with him. The people there were all watching him very closely.” Luke 14:1. When you become a Christian, people watch you.  They watch to see how you will react to various situations.  They watch to...

The Joys of Parenting: Repetitive Conversations

Parents, do you ever have the same conversation over and over again with your kids? Oh my! I won’t get on my soap box about the repetitive dialogue I have with my kids with you.  But I’m pretty sure that we would be bubbling over with “Amen, sista, you are preaching...

Justice will be served.

When I read Proverbs 11:19-21 I can’t help but think of the scene that is in front of me on the news that has been unfolding over the past few days…the horrific bombing in Boston. I’ve been glued to the news.  Prayers are uplifted, tears have been shed, and hope is...