Can I just say that Satan and his tactics suck? Well, I did, they do, and he does!
At some point in our lives we will have some type of spiritual warfare. Satan loves to mess with our heart, body, and mind and just wreak havoc.
In today’s video I share scripture, websites, prayer, and a current testimony to help you during this time of battle. Yes, that is exactly what it is…a battle…war going on…but we know The Victor! God is our Protector, Provider, Savior, and Overcomer. Turn to Him. Surrender to God. Don’t go this battle alone, you’ll only be setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. And remember, the decisions you make while in the midst of this hellish struggle does not’ affect only you, but those around you. Please don’t be selfish and try to solve your problems on your own…surrender to The Almighty.

There may be times in your life when you feel like you are drowning in a raging sea. Breathe. Look up, cry out, and reach up to The Heavenly Daddy. He will grab you and save you. His will be done.
I’d like to ask you to pray for my friends who are battling now. Thank you.
I am praying for you, as I type, that you will be strong in the Lord and fight the devil with God and His word.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Blessings to you and yours,
Here are the websites I sited in the video: