A Grape Flavored Marriage 
Hmmm, does this grape flavored marriage ripen into a fine wine over time?  I believe so.
This is the title of a book I just put down. It was written by an old school friend, Kevin Wynne.  Kevin wrote this book as a sweet surprise for his wife, Wendy, on their thirtieth wedding anniversary. 
One night while scrolling social media, I saw a video of Wendy being presented with this gift from her honey.  The description went on to share the book and where I can purchase it.  I’m all about supporting people I know, especially when it is bringing glory to God, so I ordered it from Amazon, and received in a few days. 
A Grape Flavored Marriage is a book that you can easily read in one sitting.  By the time I started reading the book it was late in the night, so I continued the following day.  It may be a minor book in size, but the imaginative and soulful depth is great.
One powerful paragraph that I’ve read to a few people goes like this:

We are in a world with a lot of grown up “boys” and not many real men.  A real man will recognize his responsibility to honor God first.  He will build upon his faith by showing higher moral standards.  He will build upon that virtue by adding knowledge, self-control, patience, and godliness.

Like the back cover of the book reads,

This book is not about recognizing the differences between a man and a woman.  It’s not about understanding the needs of each person.  It is about recognizing that a marriage can become something very special when perspectives are changed.

If you’ve followed me long enough, I’m all about perspective…putting on your God Goggles…seeing situations and others the way God sees them…seeing God lessons in everyday life.  Kevin does a beautiful job tying marriage advice/lessons-learned into just that…daily life.  From dogs to bluebirds, inexpensive trailers to the calling to pastor a church, being a marine to a distance runner, and so much more.
To Kevin, you did a fabulous job sharing (without sharing) the struggles and challenges in a marriage and how you two overcame them. 
To Kevin and Wendy, congratulations on 30 years of marriage!  Tim and I are right behind you.
To y’all the readers, you will be encouraged by this sweet gift Kevin gave his bride.  Click on the following link and enjoy a quick read: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=a+grape+flavored+marriage+kevin+wynne&crid=30J09I3QNA3AJ&sprefix=a+grape+flavored+marriage+%2Caps%2C275&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_26 ($9.79 paperback or $4.99 Kindle)
Once you receive your book, find a comfy place to read, grab a sweet tea or some grape flavored water, and enjoy.  I pray that you will seek God first in your marriage, be godly examples to your children and those around you, forgive and be gracious with one another, and be a “gap filler” (I guess you have to read the book to discover what those last two words mean).
Blessings to you and yours,