Limiting God?

Limiting God?

Putting conditions on God are NOT a good thing.  When we do so, we are limiting Him, having confidence in that our way is better, and believing that He doesn’t know-all and see-all. Having ultimatums presented to Him, is nothing new to God.  In Luke 4:1-13 we read...

Light up the sky…God vs. Man

On, July 4th, God’s power was captivating. My family chose to not fight any crowds on the beach to observe the fireworks to celebrate our country’s birthday. Instead, we hopped on the boat and witnessed a little more than just a sky lit by a colorful display of...

To God be the Graduation Glory

The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights. Habakkuk 3:19 Give credit where credit is due. God’s power and awesomeness is recognized in chapter 3 of the book of Habakkuk. The prophet Habakkuk doesn’t only...

Covered with God

This past weekend I was humbled and honored to speak at a ladies luncheon at a local church. The theme of the presentation was “Brokenness to Beauty: The Making of a Pearl”. I am my own worst critic so I won’t critique my delivery here, but I will mention that I asked...

God will meet you were you are.

If you will allow God to reveal Himself and the life lessons He desires to teach you, He will. He will meet you where you are. This was evident to me when I read Jeremiah 17:5-10. In these verses, God spoke words of wisdom (As if He can speak any other way…duh....